Why a Blog?

I began my blog as a forum to display works in progress of different literary activities and craft projects.  I am trying to become an excellent writer with a variety of subjects to capture a wide audience at first. Basically,  I’m throwing darts and seeing which ones stick.  If you have any suggestions on myContinue reading “Why a Blog?”

Ripple Effects

Serenity is golden... But sometimes a few ripples are needed as proof of life.

Welcome to KatChallis.com'

Loving Embrace Designs, Stories, and Cards

Small Steps

I twist, I turn, I spin, I dance...

Little Fears

Tales of humour, whimsy and courgettes

The Incomplete Verse

Here I share words and illustrations I discover on the journey within the crevices of my mind and the outside world. 💚

Fort Worth Poetry Society

Providing literature to the city of Fort Worth since 1910

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