Crossroads with God

Have you ever been so uncertain in your spiritual life that you just say to yourself “I don’t know who I am or what I am supposed to do with my life?” Are you at a crossroads? I grew up in a Baptist church home life. We lived by rules meant to shape us andContinue reading “Crossroads with God”

1000 Strong and Growing

On July 31st, 2017 developed my blog, In October 2018, I had made it to my first goal- 100 people made visits to my blog site. Now, April 10th, 2020, A 1000+ haved viewed my blog site and some kindly left messages; thank you. I write to inform, I write to Inspire, and IContinue reading “1000 Strong and Growing”

Ripple Effects

Serenity is golden... But sometimes a few ripples are needed as proof of life.

Welcome to'

Loving Embrace Designs, Stories, and Cards

Small Steps

I twist, I turn, I spin, I dance...

Little Fears

Tales of humour, whimsy and courgettes

The Incomplete Verse

Here I share words and illustrations I discover on the journey within the crevices of my mind and the outside world. 💚

Fort Worth Poetry Society

Providing literature to the city of Fort Worth since 1910

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